Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Don't Waste Your Money To Get Page Rank

Many Sites offer Guaranteed visitors, Get Listed in Search Engine, Get Page Rank and so on. Visitor is a King. Without Visitor our site will mean nothing.

But don't be in a hurry. Cos you have to be very selective in choosing sites for helping you to get listed in Search Engine. What will you do when you have paid some money but the number of visitors isn't increasing? Get the money back? Seems imposible.

They can only assist you to be registered in Google, MSN, Yahoo or other big search engines but the content of your website is absolutely made by you.

I have some sites that are already listed in MSN and get good rank without spending a penny. Just submit the URLs and the good sites will work by themselves.

Here is some information you need to know before building a website:
  1. DOMAIN NAME => domain name is the first to be crawled by Search Engine Robot. It is much better if you also use keyword for naming your domain. If your site is about Bicycle Part then the domain should mention that keyword too. For example , some company use their company's names for the domain for example. . It will be much better to include the keyword in its domain. So if Decorabbani is a furniture manufacturer then it should be
  2. The META TAG Discription => it is visible by search engine but invisible to visitor. This discription will appear in Search Result under the Title of Site. Make sure the Meta Tag is relevant to the title, content and domain. It will be excellent. To know about META TAG you can visit
  3. META TAG => It is important to know about meta tag function. If you are not familiar with meta tag you can visit . This tag is used to interact with Search Engine. You can generate the META TAG from and follow the instruction.
  4. Keywords TAG => some search engines dont rely on this tag anymore. Because from the past experience there were too many keywords were used to attract visitors but they did't correspond to the content. It was bad. It had better you use keywords that are relevant to the content if you want to get good rank. Don't forget to check the best keywords in
  5. Web Page Analyzer=> before submitting your site to Search Engines, Please check your website using Web Page Analyzer. It will report to you in detail about your website. The report contains the title, keywords, Meta Tag and some errors regarding Search Engine Crawler/Spider/Robot process.
  6. Finally, when everything is OK and no errors. Submit it.